NHL 2K8 is now worth 250 points, but TGR is not surprised, nor do we care too much. Our love for hockey never materialized, and after reading the hate mail we got from the last hockey post, our love for hockey fans never materialized either...
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2 appears to have finally stopped dropping in value and is now worth 550 points. For those of you holding out to play this one, now might be the time to request it.
Editor's Ramble on CoD4:
After playing through the CoD4 SP three times, and playing countless hours of online matches, I finally put the game down after close to a year of non-stop playing. Today I put it in the mail after selling it for 950 points. I really have to consider CoD4 to be one of my best purchases ever. The Call of Duty series was always my favorite, and so I never played any of the Tom Clancy titles, that is until recently.
With CoD5 not out yet, and me looking for something new, my attention turned to the Tom Clancy titles. I started with Splinter Cell: Double Agent and loved it. I am currently playing GRAW and have only two missions left to go. I don't love GRAW as much as Splinter Cell, but I do like it, despite it being a very hard game to play.
I am looking forward to playing the first and second Rainbow Six games. I'm just not sure when I'll get around to it.