November 16, 2009 announces point bonuses for trading hot games and movies

As a special Holiday promotion, is going to start offering bonus points on the latest games and movies being traded. If you've used in the past then you already know that they are offering you the best deal on trade-in games. They top most, if not all, of the major retail game stores out there and have an incredibly large selection that no major retail outlet can match. Well, over this past weekend they've upped the ante.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is probably the hottest game, right now. But what if you've played it and are tired of it already? You've finished the single player campaign and aren't interested in going online, so you want to trade it. As long as you do so within 30 days of release, as an eligible title, you will receive 200 extra points for it. As for the buyer, the original price -- in this case, 1000 points for the Standard Edition on Xbox 360 -- still stands. The buyer only pays 1000 points while the extra 200 points come straight from Goozex. Merry Christmas!

But what if you traded the game before the promotion? According to Goozex, that trade is still eligible. Once the buyer gives positive feedback or the system closes, you will receive the extra points. Even if you receive feedback later, the trade is still eligible as it occurred within the 30-day period.

There's no word, yet, on whether this is going to become a permanent part of the system or if this Holiday season is the last we'll see of this promotion, but it's a great idea that goes a long way towards stimulating further game trades. With games like New Super Mario Bros., Dragon Age: Origins and Modern Warfare 2 in extremely high demand, there's more incentive than ever to sell. Seller's get more points, buyers get the games they want for less and Goozex gets more people using the system. It's a win-win-WIN situation. For a list of eligible titles, follow this link. Keep in mind, this list will be updated to add/remove titles.
