January 8, 2010

Dark Void Demo | Video and Description

Shawn Lebert Says Developer Airtight Games and renowned publisher, Capcom, bring a new and unique title called “Dark Void,” which comes out in just a few weeks for the PlayStation 3, PC and Xbox 360. For those unfamiliar, the title is known for its aerial combat, which is supposed to bring a fresh game-play style. Too many third-person action shooters remain on the ground, and Capcom simply wants to deliver something more atmospheric.

The demo doesn’t start with much of a plot, as you’re soon taking off into the air, but from what we gather, the hero must take on an alien race known as the Watchers. But first, he needs something beneficial for the journey ahead. That’s right, a jetpack. Reminds me of the early nineties Disney film “The Rocketeer,” but less cool.

The demo is broken up into two areas. The most notable section is the aerial combat. Aside the basic flight movements, like boosting and breaking and such, a nifty combination of buttons allows you to roll and spin to either dodge incoming enemy fire or stylishly vault back into the action without having to use the directional pad. The jetpack is conveniently strapped with some automatic artillery, just in case you find yourself in a rut.

The air control can take some getting used to and it might feel disorienting when you turn upside down, looking for enemies, but what air combat game doesn’t feel that way? The aiming is a bit sensitive; trying to land critical shots on your foes felt like a challenge, because there is no way to lock on. If you have a tough time, and you find yourself real close to the enemy, hitting a certain button allows the player to interact with a mini-game on top of the enemy’s ship in order to dismantle it – a cool alternative to taking those pesky ones out.

The second section of the demo has you arriving on a small, enemy landing bay. From here, it becomes devoid of any aerial game-play, having you on foot with a well-equipped machine gun and destroying alien heads. There is a basic cover system with the press of a button; however, the game doesn’t get much more complicated than that. Close encounters with the aliens give you the ability to use your fist.

Aside from the main weapon, you do have grenades at your disposal. Blind-tossing grenades into a corridor were important if enemies were firing at you.

Overall, the gun-fights were lackluster and not particularly interesting as enemies did little in these encounters. You can sigh with relief, as in this day and age, wherever our hero might be, aliens are idiots. So far, the aerial fights in “Dark Void” keep the interest alive. Perhaps, also, a little more investment in character detail could take the game much further. It will be interesting to see what the full game brings. Look for Dale Culp’s impressions and review later on The Goozex Report.

